Professional colaboration
One of my clients in Portland, the law firm Friedman Gaythwaite Wolf & Leavitt hired me photograph all of their attorneys and to produce an audio slide show for their brand new website. This is a small but incredibly busy firm and as usual time is always precious. We were able to capture all of the photographs that we set out to get from the beginning. The firm was considering the production of a video segment for the website but after presenting to them an audio slide show I had done for another client they decided that my product fit their needs better for both the ease of production and budget reasons. The video production would have been much more intrusive on their time and much more expensive. With the audio slide show we knew that all of the images I was already shooting could also be used in the final slide show. In the schedule we had a few small windows to capture the 2 - 3 minutes of needed audio. I interviewed the two most senior partners and it had been discussed that we would do our best to try and capture the audio in one take to minimize the editing and post production. These are passionate trial lawyers who would be well equipped to handle this task. We did really well to achieve the necessary audio but in the end It became clear that my audio editing skills needed help for the final cut. In a former life I had been on staff with two different TV production companies and it took one call to my old friend Jeff Griffiths who is an amazing editor to see if he could help me out. Jeff runs the Griffiths Media Group in Portland and lives and works 3 minutes away. He was more then happy to lend a hand and his editing skills. We spent three hours on the piece this morning and were able to fine tune the piece to a point where my client should be really excited with the final product. There are a lot of fine creative people in Portland, ME and Jeff Griffiths is truly one of them.